A Visual Story by Nicholas Caldwell
Last month we sent a selection of adornments to multidisciplinary creative, Nicholas Caldwell. We have been in awe over what Nick produces through his various mediums for many years and entrusted him completely. We knew this trust, alongside his keen eye for detail and ability to portray an almost "other world" feel through his work, would pay off, and it certainly did.
As soon as we saw the images we knew that they deserved to be shared and enjoyed on a more permanent platform via the web journal. This is a visual story piece and a little about Nick that we hope makes the viewer feel nostalgic, calm and maybe even transported to this "other world" like it did us.
Nick's journey as a creative is one to note. It has taken many forms over the years, from ballet, to graphic design, to painting and photography/videography. All of which, somehow, lead naturally from one to the other, and used to portray what his eyes can and often cannot see. He has the ability to communicate shapes, lines and space so naturally in his work which he attributes to his study and understanding of body movement through dancing.
As Nick puts it, "it's all simply articulating how something is situated in space, and complimented by its surrounding." And we couldn't have said it better ourselves. Nick is a true creative and we feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to work with him and showcase his work.
All imagery by @nicholascaldwell_
You can view Nick's work here